Healing bundles.

  • The Reiki Bundle

    To get the most benefits from Reiki, it is encouraged that you receive multiple treatments. Healing deep rooted trauma can take multiple sessions and the healing process can take time. During each session, Carly works with your energetic body to uncover different energetic layers that are encoded in your energetic body.

    Having multiple Reiki sessions allows you to gain deep insight in who you are, your life purpose, soul karmic lessons, and energetic wounds that require deep healing. Clients that utilize Reiki on a regular basis report having better mood, less anxiety, a clearer sense of self, and an ability to create a life that is in alignment with who they truly are.

    With the Reiki bundle, you pay for 4 Reiki sessions and get the 5th one FREE!

    Save $75

    • 5x Reiki sessions

  • The Fundamental Healing Bundle

    This is a great package for those wanting to cover the basic essentials of their healing journey. The Fundamental Healing Bundle offers all of the tools you need to create radical shifts in your life. These tools will assist you in healing multiple areas of your life while allowing you to heal the body, mind, and spirit. This package is great for those experiencing intense life changes, health issues, or feelings of stagnation and uncertainty.

    Save $75.

    • 5x Reiki Sessions

    • 1x 1 hour intuitive reading

    • 1x chakra reading

  • The Soul Evolution Bundle

    This package is designed for those ready to understand themselves on deep and profound levels. The Soul Evolution Bundle will allow you to get a deeper understanding of what your soul came here to do. This bundle is perfect for those who feel like they are ready for a shift in their career, love life, and spiritual journey. Carly will use a combination of tarot, numerology, and energy healing to help you reunite with you soul’s calling.

    Save $100.

    • 5x Reiki sessions

    • 1x 1 hour intuitive tarot reading

    • 1x 1 hour life purpose reading

    • 1x Chakra reading

  • Ultimate Healing Bundle

    This is the most comprehensive and transformative bundle at Healing with Carly. This bundle has all of the tools you need to transform your life and heal unresolved trauma that is getting in the way of you creating a life full of bliss. The Ultimate Healing Bundle offers a well-rounded approach to your healing and you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

    Save $170

    • 7x Reiki sessions

    • 2x 1 hour general reading

    • 1x chakra reading